Editorial Design and Production, Data Visualization for Favelas in the media report for Catalytic Communities.
Favelas in the Media report was a publication from Catalytic Communities(CatComm), an empowerment, communications, think tank, and advocacy NGO working since 2000 in support of Rio’s favelas at the intersection of sustainable community development, human rights, local-global networks, communications, and urban planning. In this report, I was the volunteer designer and producer. CatComm supports and empowers residents of informal settlements, evolving strategically to support their needs as they arise. One year after the Rio Olympics,CatComm has published a new report on international media portrayals of Rio’s favelas from 2008 to 2016. The report show how vehicles paint the image of the favelas in 7 aspects: favela specificity (if they name the favela or generalize), overall impression, language used to name favelas, favela portrayal, favela resident portrayal and perpetrators of violence in favelas (whether the residents, the police or both).
My job was to create the design and data visualization for the report. I was given a lot of freedom to design the best way to visualize the data. The colors scheme try to also convey the same thing throughout the publication whenever possible. I also coordinated the production of the report, helping determine the steps to be taken and the best way to do them.